My Son’s Miracle Story

My son, Maddox, was diagnosed with advanced bilateral retinoblastoma (eye cancer in both eyes) in 2011, when he was 7 months old. That was when my life changed forever.

I was told by the doctors that if my son survived, he would most likely lose one or both of his eyes. Doctors also said that if his eyes were somehow saved, there was no hope that he would regain any vision since the tumors filling his eyes had already caused complete retinal detachment, irreversible damage and permanent scarring. The “best case scenario” we were presented with by Maddox’s team of physicians was that our baby boy would survive, but be blind forever.

We knew it would take a miracle, but we chose to put our faith in God and believe with all of our hearts that Maddox would heal completely and regain his eyesight. Maddox went through six months of chemotherapy, radiation treatment and over 30 surgeries while battling retinoblastoma for three years. The treatments he received put him at an even greater risk of losing his eyes due to hemorrhaging and other damage. At one point, his doctor scheduled eye removal surgery because she had no hope that his right eye could heal from radiation induced retinopathy. I told her that I was going to pray to God for a miracle and he would NOT lose his eye. The very next day, an angel appeared before me and said, “God is giving you signs that everything will be o.k.” Four weeks later, when the doctor examined Maddox’s eyes, she was in disbelief as she told us, “His eye has completely healed. God has answered your prayers”.

Not only did Maddox’s eyes miraculously heal from irreversible damage that should have required eye removal, but he is now a completely healthy and happy boy with restored eyesight and no limitations! Maddox is living proof that even the “impossible” is possible when you believe!

I know it is my destiny to share this story and the love of God with the world. I have written “The Magic Maker” for children AND adults. I want this book to touch and transform the hearts and lives of everyone who reads it.